Friday 5 December 2014

Facebook’s free ride is finally over

As Facebook announce plans to filter out unpaid promotional posts, small business owners are left wondering how on earth they’re going to generate free traffic in the future.

Friday 14 March 2014

Google's impressive grasp of penis euphemisms (NSFW)

I was so impressed with Google’s grasp of my crude and somewhat gruesome search query, that it prompted me to write a blog post about it… which is saying something, as it's been more than a year since I found time to write anything worth reading!

This afternoon, during a brief break away from my client work, I was pondering the plight of that poor chap who had his manhood amputated (allegedly) by some local gypsies in Mordor Middlesbrough after he slept with one of their girlfriends.

So I Googled it.